Vision from Ryan - Baby & Biz Inspiration

Ryan here, with a personal ‘biz & baby’ update that relates to inspiring new RLC (Ride-Learn-Connect) adventures.
As a travelling pro I skipped most parties to geek out on philosophy and study psychology - while I missed some good times, what I learnt heavily influenced the longevity of my pro career and the creation of a wildly successful online coaching school.
I’ve achieved a lot, yet wrestled with something for a long time…
The MTB industry orients itself quite heavily through surface based media, and while extremely creative and skillful, it bypasses many powerful opportunities to foster deeper development and growth, not just as riders, but as humans. Just by riding bikes our lives benefit immensely, we've got that - yet our culture can be very topical, and in my experience has yet to unlock the magic that lives beyond measurement, status, stats and gear. This vast realm is ripe for exploration, yet hard to showcase in readily digestible ways.
It has always been my dream to offer support in navigating these often elusive inner realms since I’d benefited so greatly from doing so myself - it’s why I studied to become an Integral Master Coach™. Yet the time never felt right, and I never felt ready, until now. Our industry is hungry for it. I’ve paused all marketing efforts for my company this winter so I can focus on the creation of RLC 2.0, not to mention family….
Life can be a wild and unpredictable ride - In the last few years I think I’ve grown as much as RLC thanks to a variety of personal challenges. Riding bikes has helped me navigate a divorce and all the change that accompanies such a massive life shift. Healing took some time, but I eventually found myself flowing in love on the Sunshine Coast of BC, from which a new life was born. My daughter is 8 months old and my world has transformed into an astonishingly meaningful (with new challenges!) journey.
I’m gratified that RLC has matured so beautifully during this tumultuous time (not just for me but our world) - the product & community speak for themselves. The RLC team of staff, coaches and mentors, have been incredible, without whom RLC and our students couldn’t thrive. Despite this success, we (I) can do better. Community, on many levels, will be an important word for us in 2023. I feel more driven, and more ready than ever to level-up the RLC scope of service & offerings - in fact, on the skill side, we have a top Enduro racer being featured in a course we’re filming for right now in Australia. So many things in the works….
I’m not sure if this inspiration is arising because I’m emerging out of the sleep deprived fog of newborn baby life, or because having a family reorients what’s most important both in life and work. Wherever it arises from, I’m embracing it as best I can! If you’ve read this far, I just want to share my deep gratitude for your ongoing support and belief in what RLC has created - we’ve made a big impact and there’s so much more to come!
Founder & Head Coach of RLC
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